
Halo! Heute war gut. Nach dem Mittagessen habe ich Bad Dürkheim besucht. Ich habe Geschenke für meine familie eingekauft. Ich habe das Dürkheimer weinfass mit meine freunden gesehen. Es war sehr groß! Dann habe ich die Saline in Bad Dürkheim mit Rebecca und ihrer familie gesehen! Es ist gut für deine Gesundheit! Dann habe ich vanille eis in der cafe gegessen.
Am Nachmittag habe ich ein Weinfest im Burg mit Martha, Priya, Annika, Rebecca und Selin gewesen. Es war spaßig und sehr lustig!

Helo! Mae heddiw wedi fod yn dda. Ar ol cinio aethon ni i Bad Dürkheim lle prynais anrhegion i fy nheulu. Roedd yna gasgen mawr iawn sy'n gallu ddal lan at 1,700,000 litr o win os bydd e'n cael ei lenwi. Hyn yw'r un fwyaf yn y byd! Yn Bad Dürkheim mae halwyn, sef wal mawr gyda ddwr hallt yn rhedeg lawr yr ochrau. Mae enw'r ardal yn seiliedig ar hyn. Heb yr halwyn bydd enw'r lle yn Dürkheim! Cerddon ni trwy parc a oedd yn pert iawn i caffi hufen ia.
Yn y prynhawn aehom ni i gastell lle oedd wyl gwin yn cael ei ddal, lle cwrddom ni Martha, Priya, Annika, Selin a'u teuleodd. Roedd e'n hwylus iawn yna!

Hello! Today was good. After lunch we went to a town called Bad Dürkheim where there is a huge barrel that could hold up to 1,700,000 litres of wine if it was filled! It is the biggest in the world! Also in Bad Dürkheim there is a saltworks where salt water runs down a big wall and so the air is refreshing. Old people go there and people with asthma because it's good for your lungs. The name of the town comes from this thing, without it the town woukd be called just Dürkheim. After that we walked through a nice parc to get an ice cream from a cafe.
In the afternoon we went to a castle where there was a wine festival being held. We met Martha, Priya, Selin, Annika and there families. It was really fun!


Leah Pendlebury said...

We went to Bad dürkheim today too! we saw the barrell and the wall wit h the salt water! We went swimming there!

Ceri Anwen James said...

Super geschrieben! Pob hwyl yfory ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ffi you missed a horrible day here - cold,wet and windy, golf was cancelled so dad took Rhod to cinema. Sounds like you're having fun, nice to hear you're meeting up with Martha and Priya. Hope you're taking lots of photos. Look forward to hearing your blog tomorrow.
Love Mum,Dad and Rhod xxx