
Ich bin in Grünstad. Ich finde Grünstad wunderbar!
Ich bin müde!
Miriam, Paula und Ruby sind sehr lustig.
Ich finde Miriams Familie sehr freundlich. Ich bin mit Miriam, Paula und Ruby spazieren gegangen.
Ich fand den bus furchtbar, es war warm!

Wel rydyn ni yn Grünstad ar ol taith hir iawn.
Rydw i'n teimlo'n blinedig! Roedd y bws yn boeth iawn iawn! Wnes i cysgu bron trwy'r dydd ac rydw i dal yn teimlo'n blinedig.
Roedd hi'n dda gweld Miriam eto! Mae teulu hi mor gardeig. Mae nhw wedi rhoi croeso cynes iawn i fi.
Wnaeth Miriam a Paula dangos fi a Ruby o gwmpas yr pentref nhw, mae hi mor prydferth.
Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at yr wythnos yma!

We have arrived safe in Germany after a very long trip!
I feel so tired I feel like i have slept all day and I am still tired.
The bus was very hot it was difficult to get comfortable, the journey was VERY bumpy!!
When we arrived it was great to see Miri again her family are so nice, they have given me a very warm welcome! Miriam and Paula gave me and Ruby a tour of their little village it is very beautiful!
I am looking forward to the busy week ahead!

Love Rhian Bumfordxxxxxxxxxxx

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