
Hallo! Haute, bin ich der Weinberg in Grünstadt gegangen. Es war gut und Herr Siebert war sehr nett. Ich habe die Trauben mit meinen Freunds gesehen, es war ziemlich langweilig aber interessant auch. Dann habe ich Traubensaft getrunken und Brezel gegessen. Ich finde Traubensaft sehr lecker und die Brezel war super! Ich habe Weißwein für meine Muter, Rotwein für meine Vater gekauft und ein Traubensaft für mir un meine Schwester. Dann, habe ich Abendessen mit der Familie gegessen. Die Nudeln und der Putenfleisch war spitze! Haute Abend, werde ich der Disco in Leininger Gymnasium fahren. Ich werde Pizza essen, es wird fantastische! Morgen, werde ich in Manheim kaufen, es wird total gut! Tschüß!
Phoebe x

Helo! Heddiw aethon i´r wynllanyn Siebert yn Grünstadt (mae gymaint ohonyn nhw yma). Roedd e´n dda ac roedd Mr Siebert yn neis iawn. Gwelais yr coed grawnwin ond doedd dim grawnwyn wedi tyfu yna eto. Roeddent ychydig yn ddiflas ond hefyd yn ddiddorol! Ar ol hynny, gefais sudd grawnwin a bara i drio. Roedd y sudd yn flasus iawn ac ffeiniais yr bara yn wych! Prynais gwin gwyn i Fam, gwin coch i Dad a sudd grawnwin i fi a fy chwaer. Ond anghofiais fy camera! Wedyn, gefais te gyda´r teulu. Roedd y pasta a´r cig mewn saws yn arbennig! Heno rydw i´n mynd i´r ddisgo yn Leininger Gymnasium. Byddaf yn bwyta Pizza yna, gwych! Yfori rydw i´n mynd i siopa yn Manhaim, bydd e´n hwyl! Hwyl!
Phoebe x

Hello! Today I went to Siebert´s Vineyard in Grünstadt (there´s so many of them here). It was good and Mr Siebert was very nice! I saw the grape trees but there was no grape there yet. It was a bit boring but interesting aswell! After we tried grape juice and bread. The juice was very tasty and the bread was great! I bought red wine for dad and white for mum. Also, I got grape juice for me and my sister! Then I ate tea with the family. The pasta with chicken in sauce was amazing! Tonight I´m going to the disco in Leininger Gymnasium. I´m going to have pizza there- yum! Tomorrow I´m off shpping in Manhaim, it will be fun! Sorry no photos today, I forgot my camera! Bye!
Phoebe xx


HarrietElias said...

Heeey phoeeeb! hows things? you forgot your camera? stupid indeed! Make sure you dont forget to bring home some grape juice for me (that doesn't count as a present!)! Oh and don't eat to much pizzza! lots of loveee hazzxx

j_elias said...

Glad you had a good day at the vineyard, dad can't wait for his wine. Flossy's been sleeping on your bed, because we left hers in Aberdare. She thinks she's a princess! Harri's a pain in the bum, as usual. Gu and Grampa send their love, and Martha needs an opp on her eye. Say thank you to Doreens family for looking after you so well, and remember to take your camera out with you tomorrow, we all want to see lots of pictures when you get back.

Love you lots, miss you loads, will blog you soon.
from, Mum and co'.

HarrietElias said...

heey it's libby, don't forget to by me a present! I'm looking forwad to having something German.

P.s. Harriet sais that gu has found your trainers and pe kit!

Phoebe Elias said...

ooo thats great! We went shopping today but only had one hour! I will get prezzies if i have time! This keyboard is so confusing, all the keys in wrong places! aww well! See you soon and give Floss a cwtsh for me xx

HarrietElias said...

Flossy doesn't need your cuchees, she's got minee!xx