


Ich habe die weinberge besucht! ich habe mit Herr Siebert gesprochen und ich habe brezel gegessen. Ich habe traubensaft getrunken! Es war fantastisch! Ich habe federball und Uno mit Lea gespielt, Es war gut.


Yr ail dydd yn grünstadt, aethon ni i winllan Mr Siebert, roedd y winllan yn pert iawn ac roedd yr golygfa yn well na unrhyw beth fi wedi gweld o blaen! Bwytais ni Brezel ac yfedais ni sudd grawnwin, roedd e yn blasus iawn! Roedd Mr Siebert ddim ond yn siarad yn almaeneg, Ond! Roedd Miss James yna i dweud popeth yn cymraeg!
Pen-blwydd hapus i fy brawd, Harry! Mae'n 16 heddiw! gael diwrnod gwych heb fi :D.


The second day in grünstadt was full of activities. I woke up at 6:45 AM, and then we had breakfast, I ate a bowl of cornflakes, they were nice and they gave me the energy to walk around the vineyard. at 7:35 we left the house because it takes around 10 minutes from the house to the school, Once we arrived at the school, Lea went in the school and we stayed outside, we had to wait outside for everybody to arrive, and then we walked to Mr Sieberts' vineyard. It wasn't a long walk from the school to the vineyard, but the walk around the vineyard was very long and it was very hot, It was tiring! Mr Siebert only spoke in german, but Miss James saved the day! Miss James translated the german into welsh, but also Lydia and Robin also translated a bit! Once we arrived at Mr Sieberts house, we had the chance to eat a Brezel or two, and even have some freshly made grape juice. It was so delicious! once we arrived back at the school afterwards, we went home and Lea and I had a little snack, it was like half of a muffin with a tuna topping, it was amazing! after that, Lea and I played a few games of Uno, I won some of them :3 and she won the rest. After that, we went outside and played some badminton, Lea's mum was taking pictures as we were playing. Once we gave up on the badminton, we had a shower and got ready for the disco! At the disco, I was able to talk to all my friends and hear what's happening tomorrow in Mannheim. At the disco we played cherades, that was fun! Pheobe acted like Justin Bieber, it was hilarious! Once we arrived back at the house, I started to write this blog, I have been getting a bit carried away with changing into my pyjamas and getting ready for bed, that's why I'm posting this at 9PM. That's all I have to share with you today!

Happy birthday to my big brother, Harry, Sorry for missing your day on which you become a legal adult! the age of 16! Hope you get a lot of cards and gifts and have a great time, Can't wait to see you again!



Ceri Anwen James said...

Mae llawer o waith yma, Leah! Rwy'n sicr y bydd dy rieni'n falch o ddarllen dy neges Saesneg iddyn nhw.

Rwy'n falch iawn dy fod wedi mwynhau'r golygfeydd o'r winllan

Targed yr wythnos yw darllen dros dy ddarn Cynraeg yn ofalus ...
Yfais (nid yfedais) ayb

Ceri Anwen James said...

* darn Cymraeg

hyd yn oed!

Angen i fi ddarllen dros fy ngwaith yn ofalus hefyd!
Mae'n hwyr ...

delyth.pendlebury said...

Hey Lea,
So glad that you and Lea are having fun and you seemed to have settled in well with Lea's family. Glad you are having good weather. It has been raining here so you are lucky to be where you are. Harry had a good day. He had his GCSE maths and then agter school dad tookhim out for a blast on the bike and for some food. Sam got a job yesterday so he started working last night. Dad is his usual self haha. Love you loads and send my love to Lea and her family. Have fun babes, love you loads and loads xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum xxxxxxx

delyth.pendlebury said...

Diolch yn fawr Miss James, Dwi'n mwynhau darllen yr Saesneg, Cymraeg a trio deall yr Almaeneg. Dysgais I Almaeneg yn yr ysgol ond bod hi'n anodd nawr achos bod hi'n amser hir yn ol !!!

Thank you Lea for keeping in touch. I love seeing the pics and hearing that you are having a great time. Love you millions xxxxx