
10, 6, 11, Megan Dancey.

Ich bin in Grunstadt, ich finde Grundstadt sehr nett. Die reise war lustig. Es is sehr sehr sonnig!
Heute habe ich mit allen den Weinberg besucht. Es war super. Habe ich mit meine freunde traubensaft trunken, es war lecker, brezel essen, ich liebe brezel!
Die führung war sehr lang und interessant. Habe ich traubensaft und weißwein kaufen für meine famillie.
Ich werde nacher die Disco mit meine freunde besuchen, ich bin aufgergt.

Wnes i cyrraedd Grünstadt efo pawb neithiwr, roedd y daith mor hir a rwy mor flinedig, ond mae"n neis gweld Vannessa eto a chwrdd a"i deuly, mae nhw mor croesawgar! Pryd cyrhaeddais wnes i cwrdd a phawb, siarad ag Vanessa, yna mynd i"r gwely. Heddiw wnaethom ymweld a Winllan, roedd e"n diddorol iawn! Mae mor boeth yma! Ar ol cerdded trwy"r Winllaw, aethom i ty Herr Siebert, roedd e"n enfawr! Yn y ty wnaeth yfed sudd gwrawnwin, fwyta bara arbennig a edrych ar lluniau o"r winllaw. Prynnais potel o win gwyn a sudd gwrawnwin i fy nheuly, gobeithio byddwn nhw"n ei hoffi. Heno fyddwn yn fynd i"r disco, rwy"n cyffroes iawn. Yna yfory byddwn yn cael cyfle i siopa.

Last night we arrived in Grunstadt, the journey was very long and i was very long and I was very tired but it was nice to see vanessa again and to meet her familly, which are very welcoming. When I arrived i was shown around, then i spoke to Vannessa then went to bed. Today we visited the vineyard which was very interesting. It"s very hot here! After walking through the vineyard we went to Herr sieberts house, which was very big! In the house we were given bread and grapejuice to taste, it was delicious! i bought a bottle of white wine and grapejusice for my familly, i hope they like it. Tonight were going to the disco, I"m very excited! Tomorrow we"ll get a chance to go shopping.

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