
We arrived about 3 o'clock after a long bus journey. It was about 6 hours on the bus before we got on the ferry and then nearly 2 hours on the ferry then we had to travel again on the bus to reach the school for another 6 hours. when we arrived Anne and Corinna took me to the town and we sat down and had an ice cream. We met up with Megan, Lauren, Molly and their partners. it was really nice.

Teithio'n ni am amser hir ond pan cyrraeddon ni ar ol tua 14 awr o teithio es i i ty anne. Mae e'n neis iawn. Aethon ni i'r dref a chafon ni hufen ia. Cwrddon ni a Megan, Lauren, Molly a ei phartneriaid. Cerddon ni rownd y dref a roedd y tywydd yn neis iawn.

Heute war es langweilig und lang. Wir furhen 16 stunden mit dem bus. es war sehr lang. Danach sind wir zu Anne's mutter gagangen. Dort haben wir gegessen. Es war sehr lecker.

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