
Heute war sehr gut. Ich habe das Reptilium besucht. Es war sehr interessant aber ich mag die Spinnen nicht. Heute war es sehr warm und sonnig. Ich habe das Brot und die Frucht gegessen und ich habe das Mineralwasser getrunken. Dann gehen wir in das Freibad.

Roedd heddi'n dda iawn. Fe wnaethon ni mynd i'r amgueddfa ymlisgiaid. Roedd e'n diddorol iawn ond nid ydw i'n hoffi pri cop. Fe wnes i dal neidr o amgylch fe ngwddf am y tro cyntaf ac roedd hi'n profiad od. Roedd hi'n dwym iawn heddiw ac roedd pawb yn chwysu. Fe wnaeth hi cyrraedd 27 gradd selsiws. Fe wnes i bwyta bara ffres o'r siop a ffrwythau neis doeddwn i ddim wedi trio o'r blaen. Fe ges i ddwr i yfed ac fe yfais llawer ohono. Nawr rydw i'n mynd gyda Trang a Coco i'r Freibad. Fe fyddwn ni'n cwrdd a pobl eraill yno. Hwyl am y tro.

Today was very good. We went to the reptile museum. It was very interesting but I don't like spiders. I held a snake around my neck and it was weird. It was very hot and sunny today but it was nice. It reached 27 degrees celcius. I had bread and fruit for lunch and i drank water. Now I am going to the Freibad with Trang and Coco. I will write tomorrow.
Bye for now.


Ceri Anwen James said...

Gwaith da Naomi, ond buaswn i wedi hoffi clywed mwy am dy brofiadau yn y Reptilium.
Joia yn y Freibad!

mum said...

Hi Naomi

You were very brave to hold a snake around your neck. I could never do that. Hannah will be fascinated to see photos of that!

Hope the swimming went well, just what you need when it's hot.

I wonder how the shopping trip will go today and what you'll buy.

Have a great day out and enjoy your day with Trang's family tomorrow.

There were more photos on the blog today and we saw you enjoying the tasting at the vineyard.

We saw Megan too and hope she is enjoying herself. I'm sure you'll both enjoy the shopping trip today though.

Hope you are getting lots of opportunity to speak German too.

Best wishes to Trang and her family.

Love Mum, Kev and Hannah