
Heute habe ich das Reptilium besucht. Es war fantastisch. ich habe badminton mit Maria, Caroline und Gabriel gespielt dann es war prima. Wir haben gegrillt. Es gab viel Fleisch und Salate, aber ich habe nicht so viel gegessen. Heute es war sonnig und es war warm. Ich finde badminton sehr gut und Maria ist prima. Heute Nachmittag bin ich in freibad mit meinen freuden geschwommen dann es war toll.

Heddiw wnes i ymweld a Reptilium gyda'r ysgol a roedd e yn ddiddorol gyda'r holl anifeiliaid. Fy hoff oedd y neidr a roedd e yn edrych yn sgleiniog. Wedyn wnes i cael bbq gyda teulu Maria. Roedd e yn flasus ond doeddwn i ddim wedi cael rhy gormod. Aethon ni i gyd tu fas i chwarae badminton efo'r teulu a ffrind Maria. Roedd y tywydd yn boeth ac yn fraf. Aethon ni syth ar ol ysgol i'r pwll nofio gyda llawer o bobl eraill.

Today it was very warm and sunny. I went with my school to the Reptilium and my favorite repitile was a snake because it looked very shiny and felt smooth. I went swimming with a lot of different people straight after school and we also had chinese. I had a bbq with Maria's family and then we all played badminton, it was fun.


David Evans said...

Great blog Bronwen

Chinese - I wonder who chose that! Did you have sweet and sour chicken with noodles and black bean sauce!!!

Glad to hear that you are having fun - swimming, badminton and a visit to the reptilium in one day -sounds like a normal day with Nain!

Say hello to Maria and her family from us & have a fun day shopping tomorrow!!

Is Gabriel watching the World Cup?

love from Mum, Dad, Rhys and ponks XXX

btw - ponks spent all day sleeping on our bed today - she didn't move - so lazy!!

David Evans said...

Hi Bron

Sorry to hear that your camera was stolen today.

Don't worry about the camera - it was very old - I'll get another one when you get back

Enjoy the rest of the trip

see you soon

love Dad XXX

Oliver Harrison said...

Who is Ponks? Gwen