
Heute habe das Technomuseum besucht. Es war ganz OK. Wir haben gelearnt wie man papier macht. Es war sehr interessant und sehr nass. Heute nachmittag habe ich mit Joshua, Harri und Immannuel in dem sportladen eingekauft. Es war sehr gut. Aber wir mussten eine halbe stunde bei Steff sein. Ich habe ein Deutsche Nationaltrikot gekauft, es ist für meinen kleine Bruder und mich aber Shhh. Auch habe ich eine kleine deutsche Flage gekauft. Im bus haben die Mädchen versucht Elis als Mädchen zu verkleiden! Es war sehr lustig! Heute Abend habe ich mit Joshua, Harri, Immannuel, Bethan und Susi gegrillt. Es war Lecker. Auch habe ich das fußball spiel mit Joshua, Harri, Immannuel, Bethan und Susi gesehen, es war gut.

Heddiw wnaethon ni mynd i'r Amgueddfa Technoleg yn Manheim. Roedd hyni yn eithaf da ond roedd ein arweinydd o gwympas yr amgueddfa methu siarad saesneg felly nes i dim deal dim byd bron. Dysgais yna sut i wneud papur roedd hyni yn diddorol ond hefyd yn swydd gwylub iawn! Roedd y Amgueddfa ar y cyfan yn eithaf da ond roedd rhai pethau yn eithaf diflas. Y Prynhawn yma es i hefo Harri, Joshua a Immanuel siopa yn Manheim. Gwarion ni y rhan fwyaf o'r amser yn yr siop chwaraeon enfawr, mi roedd hyni yn hwyl ac hefyd ddiddorol gwelon ni Pel droed yn cael ei werthu am €150 ac roedd crysau yn cael ei werthu am tua €80. Ond wnaeth  Steffan brifo ei hun ddoe yn yr pwlll nofio felly roedd rhaid iddyn ni rhoi cwmni iddo am 30 munud fel ffrindiau iddo. Yn y siop chwaraeon prynais i crys-t pel-droed yr Almaen. Hefyd prynnais fflag Almaeneg bach. Ar y ffordd nol o'r ddinas o Manheim Gwelais dau Person enwog Elis in Wonderland a Jedward. Heno cefon ni Joshi, Harri, Immi, Beth a Susi barbiciw blasus iawn. Hefyd gwylion ni y gem Loegr yn erbyn yr unol Dalaethau America. Dere Mlaen America!

Today we visited the museum of Technology in Manheim. The museum was ok but parts were a bit boring. It probably would have been better if our tour guide could speek english so we could at least no what was so boring. I learnt how they made paper, I found this very intterresting and also i learnt that it was a very wet job through a first hand experience. So over all the musuem  was not what you could call a success. This Afternoon we went shopping in Manheim, we meaning me, Harri, Immanuel and Joshua. We spent almost the entire time in the giant sport siop in Manheim this was about 7 floors. I found a football that cost €150 and a top that was €80. But tipically Steffan had damaged his Knee ligerments in the pool yesterday and could not walk so for half an hour we stayed with Steff. In the sports shop I bought a German football shirt. I also bought a German flag of which I am very keen of. On the way back from Manheim on the bus I saw Elis in Wonderland and also Jedward. Tonight we had a barbaque at Joshua's house. Immanuel, Harri, Bethan and Susi were there. The food was very delicious. We also Watched th football match between England and the US and A. Obviously being from Wasles i supported U.S.A. Luckily England could not win.

Tschüß und Gute Nacht!
Hwyl fawr a Nos da!
Goodbye and Goodnight!


Cerren Richards said...

Ich liebe dein Haar Elis :)

Cari'r gwallt Elis :)

Loving the hair Elis :)

Oliver Harrison said...

Glad to hear that you enjoyed your day. Jack played in a footie tournament in Sully today. It was not very interesting. Then we had a BBQ which was OK but not delicious. The sun was not shimmering on the paddling pool as it was empty, and the vineyard is looking tatty. Wish we were there!
Where's the beach? --}

Julie Yapp said...

Another great blog Lewis ! Thank you for advising Beth - I'm sure she appreciates it !!! X

Ceri Anwen James said...

Fantastische Arbeit und tolle Fotos!

Erin Allison (: said...

ha! hoff iawn o'r lluniau lewis (: