
Hallo! Heute habe ich Frosties gegessen und Mineralwasser getrunken zum Frühstück. Es war lecker. Ich bin nach der Schule mit Trang gegangen. Von dort braucht man zehn Minuten zu Fuß. Dann haben wir den Weinberg besucht.Wir gehen um den Weinberg. Er war sehr interessant. Ich habe viel gelernt und wir haben viele interessante Dinge gesehen. Heute Wir die Traubensaft getrunken. Er war sehr sehr gut! Ich haben mir Traubensaft für zu Hause gekauft. Heute Abend gibt es in der Schule eine Disco aber jetzt ich bin Hannah Montana sehen in Deutch! Er sein sehr lustig!!

Helo! Mae heddiw wedi bod yn dydd doniol iawn ac hefyd yn un ddiddorol. Fe ges i Frosties am brecwast a dwr i yfed. Roedd e'n flasus iawn. Am 7:30 fe wnes i dechrau cerdded o ty Trang tua'r ysgol. Fe cyrhaeddom ni yna erbyn 7:35 ac yna fe wnes i cwrdd a fy ffrindiau. Fe wnaethon ni mynd am dro tua 2 awr i 2 awr a hanner. Fe wnes i dysgu llawer o ffeithiau diddorol iawn amdano sut mae gwin yn cael ei greu a sut mae'r grawnwyn yn tyfu. Er enghraifft mae'n cymryd 4 blynedd ar ol i chi blannu'r planhigyn iddo allu dechrau tyfu grawnwyn. Ar ol hyn fe ges i'r cyfle i blasu jiws grawnwyn. Roedd e mor flasus fe wnes i penderfynu prynu botel i mynd adre gyda fi felly all fy nheulu blasu fe hefyd. Fe wnes i hefyd prynu i botel o win sych gwyn i mam a botel o win coch i fy nhad. Heno mae yna disgo yn y gymnasiwm am 6 o'r gloch ac felly rwy'n mynd i gael pizza ac yna amser dawnsio. Fe wnaeth Trang dweud bod dim ond disgyblion o'r ysgol all fynd i'r disco ond mae rhai o ffrindiau eraill hi eisiau mynd. Fe ddywedodd hi, "This sucks bad!" Ha! 'Ar y foment rydw i'n gwylio Hannah Montana ond mewn Almaeneg ac mae'n mwy ddoniol na'r un Saesneg oherwydd dydw i ddim yn deall hanner ohono fe.
Hwyl Fawr!

Last night there was the biggest storm ever but I was so tired that I didn't really bother about staying up listening to it, I just fell back to sleep and then this morning I woke up at 6 to get ready for school. After having my Frosties and glass of water for breakfast I left the house with Trang at 7:30 to be on my way to school. Trang doesn't have breakfast so she went to the bakery to get our lunch while I ate mine. When we arrived in school I met up with my friends and we took a long walk finding out lots of information out about how the vineyard was years ago, how they grow the plants and how they pick the grapes when the time is right. We then went to try some grape juice and I thought it was so tasty that I'd buy some to take home to my family. I also bought some wine for my parents to taste. At 6 o clock tonight we will be back at school because we are going for pizza and then afterwarsd a disco. Now I am watching Hannah Montana because Trang wants to see if I can understand it. I can't. But that just makes it funnier.
Bye for now!

1 comment:

mum said...

Halo Naomi

Wie geht's?

It's lovely to read your blog and know that you are having such a good time. Can't wait to try the grape juice and of course the wine!!

Hope the reptile museum is interesting too and that you enjoy the visit but please don't bring home a specimen! Yikes !!

It seems you are having lots of sunshine and amazing electrical storms. Fantastisch!

Have a good shopping trip in Mannheim. Hope you find something nice!

Give our love to Trang and thank her family for welcoming you into their home.

Can't wait to see more photos

Take care, don't forget the suncream!!

Lots of love
Mum, Kev and Hannah.