
Heute stand ich um 6:45am auf und gegessen cornflakes mit milch und orangesaft mit Leonie aber muter und vater, ich war sehr müde.
Dann habe ich gesehen Weinberg es war warm! Ich getrunken grape juice. Die Weinberg was sehr interessant und sehr gut. Herr Siebert und was sehr freundlich. Ich habe mir grape juice mit Charlotte gekauft!
Dann habe ich gegessen spaghettieis mit leah, jasi, charlotte und miriam! ich war sehr lecker! Ich gemacht ballet mit leonie und verena! Rowan hat uns dabei zugeguckt. Ballet in die grünstadt ist sehr anders. Dann war ich in der disco und habe pizza gegessen.

Helo Cymru! Codais am chwech o gloch y bore heddiw, record! Bu cefais i cornflakes wahanol efo llaith wahanol hefyd, diforol yw gair i disgrifio bwyd yr almaenwyr.. hefyd bu cefais rhwybeth roeddwn i'n siwr amdani, sudd oren!
Ar ol cyrraedd yr ysgol roedd yna lawer o pobl dieithr yn cwtsio i, charlotte a leah! Wedyn bu cafon ni twr bach o'r ysgol ond pan cyrrais ni lift roedd yn professor yn gweithio arno'r ferched.. woops. Es ni ar taith bach i'r winllan ac roedd yn mor prydferth. Bu flaswn ni sudd granwyn, mae'n fy cariad newydd! Prynais i un mhotel gydag charlotte! Roeddd charlotte yn stressed gan ei fod wed anghofio beth oedd sudd mewn almaeneg! Roedd ty Mr Siebert yn neis iawn, ac roedd rhai o'r luniau o'r slideshow yn ddoniol!
Ar ol hyn bu aeth ni nol i'r ysgol i cwrdd a'r partneriaid. Wedyn bu aethom ni siopa eto ac cael hufen ia spaghetti a oedd miss evans yn caniatau i fod yn wych! ac roedd yn!
Ar ol aethom ni i ballet efo rowan ac ei partner verena! Wnes i ballet efo almaenwyr! Roedd yn mor diddorol ac wahanol i ballet finau' Am 6pm aethon pawb i'r disco i dawnsio.. wel, siarad yn y cwrtiau tennis! Ond roedd grwp rowan yn dawnsio o hyd! Wedyn bu cefais pizza ac diod! Cwrddais a ffrindiau newydd neis, fel Sarah ac Coco. Wedyn ar ol tua 2 awr bu pawb yn dawnsio i can.

Hello wales, I woke for 6am this morning, wasn't impressed.. it was a huge difference to my normal time of 'last minute' I had a very interesting cornflake breakfast.. im so not coming to terms with the food differences yet. But the onlz thing i recognised was the average orange juice.. woo. After arriving at the school, i was greeted by so many different faces.. of which i still can't say all their names! Then we had a tiny tour of the school with them all, but got told off by a science professor because of using the lift.. naughty. We got shouted at in german.. yikes. It sounds so much more weirder in german when they shout.. more scarier! We went on a beautiful countryside walk to a wine yard this morning, we went thrue these amazing houses.. so big. I have a new love, grape juice, well, only Mr Siebert's grapejuice! At only 2.40 euros.. bargain. We don't get two drinks for that in wales.. I brought a botel for my mum.. i mean me with Charlotte. Charlotte got stressed not knowing what juice was in german..
After meeting up with our partners in school off we went to the ice cream parlour and shops! After advice from Miss Evans all 6 of us, Miriam, Jassi, Leah, Charlotte, Me and Leo bought spaghettieis! It was lush.
After that we jetted off shopping with trang and naomi and off to ballet with verena and rowan. I danced, whilst rowan tried and then watched. Ballet here is so different comparing to my homeland..
At 6pm off we went to the disco, but instead of the dancing in wales we sat in the tennis courts and chatted and socialised. It was all fun though. I had a pizza and about 200 drinks as it was so hot there. I met new friends, Coco and Sarah they were really nice.
After about 2 hours we all got up and danced and sang happy birthday to Fabienne..
Tomorrow i think we're all going to a Freibad and a Reptile Place.. wicked!
Night all,
Auf Wierdersehn..

Love you and see you soon Mum and Dad!

1 comment:

Ceri Anwen James said...

Llawer o waith yma, Rochelle, da iawn ti.

Beth am y rhestr o eirfa ar dop y Blog? Mae e yno i dy helpu di ac yn cynnwys pethau fel grape juice yn Gymraeg ac Almaeneg ...

Cofia briflythyren ar gyfer enwau pobl ym mhob iaith