
Heute heddiw today.

Hallo, heute habe ich mit Nadine ferngesehen. Es war lustig. Danach hatten wir Barbeuce mit Nadine's Großeltern . Um 5:00 haben wir Dennis getroffen und haben wir eine Burg besucht. Danach habe ich ein Sandwich gegessen :) Es war ein guter Tag .

Roedd heddiw yn da. fe wnes i codi am 12:00! ac wedyn fe wnes i a Nadine gwylio ychydig o teledu almaeneg. roedd o`n ddoniol. wedyn am cinio fe wnaethon ni cael BBQ efo mam-gu a tad-cu Nadine. Am 5 wnaeth ffrind Nadine dod draw ac fe wnaethon ni mynd i castell. ar ol hynny wnaethon ni cae brechdanau. Roedd o'n ddiwrnod hwylus.

today was good. i got up at 12! and then watched a bit of german tv. it was funny. then for lunch we had a BBQ ( inside because it was raining) Nadines grandmother and grandmother had lunch with us. at 5:00 nadines friend came over and we all whent to a castle. there where nice views. after that we all had sandwiches , because nadines familie know i like them :) it was a fun day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lyd
Sandwiches...you could eat those anywhere.
Glad you are having fun.
Love you
Bec x x

Gwenda said...

Hi Chicken, nothing changes - sandwiches! Hope you have a lovely day at the stadium loves and kisses Mumxxxx