

Hallo! Heute, ich habe ein Reptiliwm besucht. Ich finde Reptilium interessant. Ich hasse den schlange. Es war furchtbar. Ich habe Echse gesehen. Es war sehr klein. Meine lieblingsreptil war Schildkröte. Vor die geschäft aufmachen, ich habe shoppen mit Lydia, Bethan, Charlotte und Saffia in Landau eingekauft. Es war sehr lustig. Ich habe ein make-up und groß brezel gekauft. Die brezel war lecker. Ich Liebe Deutschland! Tschüß. Du fehlst mir. xxxxx

Helo! Heddiw, aethom ni i Reptiliwm yn Landau. Roedd e'n diddorol iawn. Rwy'n casau nadroedd fawr a gesio beth oedd yna... Nadroedd enfawr... Canoedd ohonym! Roeddwn i wedi fy ofnu'n llwyr. Roedd yna canoedd o ymlysgiaid heblaw am yr odd un neu ddwy amffibiaid. Roeddwn wedi weld "Lizard" fach iawn a bearded dragon (wnes i cyffwrdd y dragon). Roedd angen ini rhoi spray yma ar ein dwylo i rhag yr anifeiliaid i cael unrhyw germau o ni. Roedd e'n drewi'n ofnadwy. Wnes i ddysgu llawer o pethau newydd heddiw fel fod nadroedd ddim yn gallu clywed a fod rhai "Lizards" yn colli ei chynffonau. Mae fy hoff anifail o'r Reptiliwm oedd y "Turtle". Cyn fynd i'r Reptiliwm (Roedden ni'n awr yn gynnar) aethom ni siopa yn Landau efo Lydia, Bethan, Charlotte a Saffia. Roedd e'n mor ddoniol. Prynais i colur a Pretzel fawr. Roedd y pretzel yn flasus iawn. Rwy'n hoffi'r Almaen yn fawr iawn! Hwyl!Colli chi gyd. xxxxx

Hello! Today, we went to a Reptile House in Landau. It was really interesting. I really hate snakes and guess what was there... Huge Snakes!... Hundreds of them! I was really scared. There was hundreds of reptiles there except the odd one or two amphibiads (is that right? Is that how you spell it?). I saw a very small Lizard and a Bearded Dragon (I touched the dragon!). We had to put this spray on to stop any germs going ontothe animals. It smelt really bad. I learnt alot today like snakes are deaf and they can feel the vibration i the floor a´nd that lizards can lose their tails. My favourite animal in the reptail house was the turtule. Before going to the Reptile House (we were an hour early) we went shopping in Landau with Lydia, Bethan, Charlotte and Saffia. It was really funny! I bought some make-up and a HUGE pretzel. The pretzel was delicious. I love Germany! Bye! Miss You All! xxxxx

Carys =] xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - sounds like you had a really good day. I am impressed you touched the dragon. Can't believe you bought MORE makeup!! I will have to start borrowing off you now!

Hope you have a nice day in school tomorrow.

We are really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and hope that your journey is not too tiring so that you have plenty of energy to tell us all about your week away when you get home.

Love you squillions.
