
2/10/07 & 3/10/07

Guten Tag!
Ich fand Holiday Park Fantastisch!
Ich liebe GeForce und FreeFall Tower! Es war Sehr Gut!
Galleria, H&M und S.Oliver war Wunderbar!
Mannheim war sehr gut!
Rhian x x x x x x

Roedd heddiw yn dda iawn! Eithom ni i Hassloch i mynd ar y reids!
Roedd GeForce a FreeFall Tower yn Amazzzzzzziiiiiinnnnngggg!
Ddoe es i siopa! WAW! =D
Roedd llawer o siopau ddrud iawn!
Prynais i pethau :)
Ond roedd rhywun wedi dwyn bag fi, gyda fy make up newydd prynais :( Ond doedd e ddim yn drud iawn.
Mae y keyboards yma yn od iawn! Mae rhai or llythrennau wedi cael ei swopio rownd :/
Well rydw i yn mynd i cael cawod gyflum cyn i fi mynd ir gwely felly Nos Da!
Cari Chi i Gyd!
Rhian x x x x x x x


Carys Thomas said...

Have No Fear Rhian Fach! Dwi Di Feindio'r Bag Chi! Oes Ganddo:- Essence No Limits Mascara, U.M.A Shine Lipgloss A Essence Crystal Eyeliner? Os Ydy O Mae Gen I Fo. Feinidiais I Fe Ar Y Bws Cyn Adael Ar Ol Haßloch. Mi Rhoia I Fe I cHi Fory. :P

Carys Thomas said...
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Arwena Russell said...

Hi Rhian,

Looks like good news then eh?! I am really glad that you are having fun. Getting into training for Florida by the look of it. You owe Miss Thomas a big thank you for finding the bag. Ydi popeth yn iawn efor teulu. Cofia rhoi y cerdyn iddyn nhw cyn gadael.

ti'n mwynhau y bwyd? Rwyn mynd i bwyta swper nawr, felly, hwyl chick,

Caru ti llwyth
Mam, Dad, Rhys a Taid

Anonymous said...

hey rhian! :) its rhiannon, i can imagion u n bron on the rides haha! sounds fun, schools been pretty much the same, tell bron 'I' has cut all of his hair off!! :O

rhi xx

Arwena Russell said...

Hi Rhi its Rhys, just quick 1 to say hope you are having a good time!!:p I just came back from soccer practice.I was muddy ALL OVER!!! LOL.

love you loads
p.s Iv'e written this all on my own and mam did not tell me to do long words. like i cant do u,y stuff like that love rhysxxx

Arwena Russell said...

booooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol soz love all

Arwena Russell said...

We like your pic with tweetie, patrik and lidia
It is amazing love mam dad taid rhys

Anonymous said...

OMG rhian heya missing u in tech MY TEETH ARE OUT YEIIIIIII hope ur having a gd time cant wait till ya back!!!me n rhi are loanerd but weve had a laugh lol:Pxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

hey i thought i sent you some comments but i can't find them. 'Fair do's' Sounds like your having a really good time! the theme park place looks amazing but i probably wouldn't have the guts to go on ge force [if thats what its called?] hey next week its maths week thrills << ;)
just incase you didnt realize thats sarcasm. :P

4rom rhiannon xox =D